Introducing Creole Network

Creole is a network of decentralised hubs running "account-fs" for private data storage and sync. The network enables agent to agent handshakes for secure data sharing between users, across apps and networks.

The future of the internet looks different.

Creole Network

Account-fs: User-controlled private data store

Creole Network provides each user an account-fs instance - a local encrypted private data store synced through decentralised hubs.User-controlled data is managed and shared by multiple agents representing users on apps and devices

Agent to Agent Handshakes

Agent-first protocol primitives

Creole enables an agent to agent handshake protocol for data sharing permissions.Handshakes enable users to share data with other users, and across apps and networks.

Benefits of Creole Network

  • User-controlled data portability for contacts and credentials

  • Interop trust layer to build private and social apps

  • Seamless user onboarding and improved customer experience across apps and networks

  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII) storage compliant with data protection laws such as GDPR


We believe the future of the internet looks different.

There are already signs of it. The days of deepfakes and AI bots generating content are just beginning. Consumers are increasingly wary of trust and privacy. In addition, there is growing mistrust of the way consumer data is handled by large AI and social companies.Many local-first, decentralised, serverless apps are going beyond cloud and mobile. Open networks and protocols are realistically competing with platforms. Federated learning architectures for training personal AI are on the horizon.A future of local-first apps and open networks beckons, built on encrypted decentralised storage, delivering on the promise of privacy and user agency on the internet. Come join us in building this future.

Internet as a File System

The history of the internet from a file system lens

Digital Identity in age of AI

How do we build a pseudonymous identity system in times of AI?


Private search for community on your internet-native contact app

Shovel Company is on a mission to build tools to improve internet infrastructure.Digital Identity is rapidly changing. Every user and agent will have their own cryptographic keys.At Shovel, we are building Creole Network, a private data store network for
building applications such as Rolodex to accelerate this change towards decentralised identity.


Shobhit Srivastava, CEO and Co-founder, is a seasoned entrepreneur.He led his previous startup, to a successful acquisition by Gojek in 2015. During his time as SVP Engineering at Gojek, he oversaw its 1000x growth.Shobhit is active in the cloud community, running DevOpsDays India for multiple years.He is passionate about technology and how it shapes the future, and his favourite topics are complex networks and distributed systems.

Rishi Ayyer leads community and operations at Shovel.Previously he was a manager at McKinsey driving commercial growth work across strategy, pricing, distribution and branding for multiple clients.He graduated from the Indian School of Business in 2016 after a short stint in sales.He is a history & culture buff and a community builder who loves meeting new people.

Prashant Mittal leads tech and product.He was head of the observability platform at Gojek, leading a team to build monitoring for Gojek’s applications and infrastructure.Prashant and Shobhit are co-authors of CNCF’s observability white-paper published in 2021.Prashant is a true builder at heart with a keen eye for design. He is passionate about building beautiful and scalable software products.